Needle Acupuncture

Traditional Needled combined with Electrostimulation

Often to maximize effects the acupuncture needles will be attached to an electrical stimulation device. At Ace Physio we offer the AS Super 4 Digital electro stimulation. The AS SUPER 4 digital offers 4 channels for the stimulation of up to 8 acupuncture needles. The intensity of each channel can be set separately. The traditional schwa-medico skin protection system AKS gives highest security against skin burning and is incredibly safe.

The AS Super 4 digital offers highly effective stimulation settings for a variety of treatments such as:

  • Han stimulation (employs shifting between low and high frequency stimulation for potent pain relief)
  • Nogier (relevant settings for harmonizing sickness and healing the body rapidly, including anti-inflammatory effects, nerve involvement, improving circulation, and encouraging new bone growth, wound and ulcer healing),
  • TSEA (Traditional and Scientific approach to Electro-Acupuncture)
  • Hypertonic (for treatment of spastic muscles)
  • Edema/swelling reducing (settings for acute or chronic swelling)
  • Burst sensitive (for treating sensitive areas such as the scalp and face).